Hit-and-run drivers run away for many different reasons, but most do it because they are scared. Sometimes they come back to tell their story, as one young woman did after she allegedly struck a young bicyclist and left him in critical condition.
The accident happened on the 17th around 12:45 AM. She was traveling north in Highway 61. The police report states that she swerved into the bike lane and hit a cyclist from behind. The boy on the bike was thrown off and suffered broken bones and head trauma. He is surviving on a respirator currently. If people nearby weren’t there to help the victim, it is very likely he could have died.
Police asked the public for help in finding the damage Honda Accord that caused the accident. Today the woman came forward with her lawyer. The woman was taken into custody and given a $10,500 surety bond. She came tell investigators her side of the story. When reporters questioned her lawyer, he was fairly mum, as is proper for a lawyer in his situation.
When the case comes to court, whether in criminal or civil, the family will be expecting answers. They may choose to seek the services of a personal injury lawyer to cover the cost of treating their injured loved one. It is possible, and many lawyers advise it, to pursue both types of cases. If you need legal assistance in a personal injury matter, the lawyers of Howell Law are ready to help.