Howell Law Blog

‘Distracted Doctoring’ Allegedly Kills Two Elderly Patients

‘Distracted Doctoring’ Allegedly Kills Two Elderly Patients

Your Charleston medical malpractice attorneys at Howell Law recently read about a case in which a doctor is alleged to have prescribed ten times the n...

Doctor Drug Abuse Can Lead To Medical Malpractice Claims

Doctor Drug Abuse Can Lead To Medical Malpractice Claims

When a doctor or care provider offers substandard care, the consequences can be serious for patients.  Patients could die from the doctor errors, or ...

How To Find The Right Doctor For You

How To Find The Right Doctor For You

For whatever reason, you need a new doctor. Maybe you have changed insurance providers. Perhaps you have moved to a new city. No matter the cause, you...

Taking Charge Of Your Children’s Medication

Taking Charge Of Your Children’s Medication

One of the leading causes of death in our country is medication error. Medication errors, in and out of the hospital, tend to occur more frequently in...

Help Your Parent Avoid C.Diff In The Nursing Home

Help Your Parent Avoid C.Diff In The Nursing Home

Moving your parent into a nursing home is never an easy choice. We want to care for our parents to the best of our ability, but sometimes the care req...

How To Protect Yourself From Medical Malpractice

How To Protect Yourself From Medical Malpractice

As a patient, you are a partner in your healthcare. By paying close attention to what is happening to you in the doctor’s office and asking question...

Do You Really Need A C-Section?

Do You Really Need A C-Section?

Cesarean sections, or C-sections, are performed in the United States at a rate higher than that of any country in the world. Nearly one in three pregn...

Choosing A Surgeon For An Elective Procedure

Choosing A Surgeon For An Elective Procedure

Whether you have decided to have a cosmetic procedure or a weight loss surgery, you have the unique ability to take your time to pick the right surgeo...

Avoid Hospitals During The Holidays

Avoid Hospitals During The Holidays

You may not want to hear it, but studies show that negligence and accidents at hospitals peak during the holiday season. This is often the busiest tim...

Charleston Accident Lawyers At Howell Law Discuss Pharmacy Errors

Charleston Accident Lawyers At Howell Law Discuss Pharmacy Errors

In general, when it comes to medical malpractice, most people think of lawsuits against doctors, surgeons, and hospitals accused of providing improper...