Charleston DePuy Hip Replacement Lawyer
The accident lawyers at Howell Law Group want you to know that DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. has advised that they are doing a recall of several of their hip replacement implants. The reason for the recall is that there has been a high failure rate for several of these hip implant devices. There could be as many as 93,000 patients that have been affected by one of these hip replacement implants. If you or someone you know has been injured by a hip replacement implant contact one of our experienced Charleston DePuy hip replacement lawyers now for a free and confidential consultation regarding your case. If our experienced injury lawyers take your case, the contingency attorneys fees are calculated before client expenses. The client is responsible for expenses.
Hip Replacement Recalls
Several studies and the opinions of numerous Orthopedic Doctors have concluded that there is a high failure rate of the DePuy Hip Replacement (also known as ASR) implants when compared to other hip replacement products. While there is some debate on what percentage of implants has failed (the lower estimates placing the failure at twelve (12) to thirteen (13) percent and other estimates say as high as twenty-one (21) percent. Whatever the statistics ultimately turn out to be, it is clear that the amount of device failures has prompted a world wide recall on these devices, which means you should consult with a Charleston DePuy hip replacement attorney if impacted.
Implant Surgery
When one of these implants fails, it sometimes requires the patient to undergo a revision surgery to their hip, sometimes as early as just three (3) to five (5) years after having the first hip implant surgery. Patient symptoms from the failed hip replacement may also include hip and groin pain as well as elevated levels of cobalt and chromium in the patient’s blood stream. The monetary costs and the physical pain caused by the failed implants including, but not limited to, some having to have this premature revision surgery has led many to bring lawsuits against the manufacturer of this product.
Contacting An Experienced Lawyer
If you or someone you know has suffered injury from a DePuy ASR hip replacement implant let one of our experienced Charleston DePuy hip replacement lawyers help. The initial consultation is absolutely fee and YOU OWE US NOTHING UNLESS WE WIN YOUR CASE.*