Simpsonville Personal Injury Lawyer

Throughout the Simpsonville area, individuals, businesses and even government agencies have certain obligations and legal duties. Everyone from a driver to the owner of a property to the manufacturer of products has a role to play in making sure people stay safe. When an individual or entity fails to live up to this obligation, people could be seriously hurt or even killed.

If you or someone you love was the victim of a breach of legal duty, you may have the right to pursue a claim for compensation. Howell Law Group is a personal injury law firm serving the Simpsonville area. Our attorneys can evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding how you got hurt and can help you determine what legal options you have to be compensated for losses.

Filing a Claim

A victim who is hurt in Simpsonville can sometimes recover compensation for medical costs; wage loss; pain; emotional distress; and other economic and non-financial damages. To be able to successfully obtain compensation for the injuries you sustained, you must show that:

  • There is a defendant who had some obligation or responsibility to you. This could be a driver who is supposed to obey the rules and be careful behind the wheel; a nursing home that is supposed to take care of residents; or a property owner that invited you into their building despite dangerous conditions.
  • The defendant did not live up to the responsibility. In some cases, the defendant is judged based on what an average and reasonable person would do. In other situations, special rules like strict liability laws apply to determine what a defendant’s responsibility was and whether they failed to fulfill it.
  • You got hurt because of the defendant’s failures. You must prove that the defendant’s negligence or failures were the direct cause of the injuries you are pursuing compensation for.
  • You suffered losses. You have to show how badly you were harmed and what the extent of the damage was.

At Howell Law Group, our injury lawyers understand how to put together your case given the available evidence. If you were harmed in Simpsonville, we can help you fight hard to get the money you need to cover your costs and move forward in the future.

An Injury Lawyer Serving Simpsonville

A personal injury lawyer at Howell Law Group is available and ready to help you determine if you have a claim and move forward with putting together a case to recover compensation for losses. Call today if you or someone you care about was hurt in Simpsonville or surrounding areas.