Mount Pleasant Truck Accident Lawyer

Each day, millions of motorists hit the open road with the assumption that their travels will be unremarkable and safe. However, there are unfortunately instances in which negligence on the part of others produces serious, sometimes devastating collisions.

When such crashes involve heavy trucks, the outcomes can be especially dire for those traveling via passenger car, motorcycle or perhaps on foot.

If you have suffered life-changing harm in an event of this nature, a Mount Pleasant truck accident lawyer can pursue the compensation your path to recovery is certain to require. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney in Mt Pleasant to begin building a claim.

Frequency of Accidents

Based on recent data, trucking accidents do in fact pose a real danger to drivers in South Carolina as well as across the country. According to the South Carolina Department of Public Safety, in 2013 alone, crashes involving truck tractors resulted in 49 fatalities and a startling 5,468 injuries.

Furthermore, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has reported that 2015 witnessed roughly 3,852 deaths nationwide due to accidents involving large trucks, with the lion’s share of those impacting occupants and drivers of passenger vehicles. Clearly, the risks of negligent truck operation are more profound than many may realize.

Common Causes of Accidents

Dangerous incidents involving heavy trucks on South Carolina’s highways and byways can occur in any number of ways, despite the rigorous training and operational requirements imposed on motor carrier drivers. Among the most frequently observed precursors to such tragedies are:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Traveling at excessive speed
  • Failure to heed changes in road conditions
  • Operating under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Distracted driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Errors in driver judgment
  • Improper cargo loading
  • Defective truck components
  • Faulty or neglectful maintenance practices

No matter the cause, a Mount Pleasant truck accident attorney can file a claim to help recover any potential compensation the individual may be entitled to.

Pursuing Accountability in Mount Pleasant

The sheer variety of potential causes of trucking-related accidents can sometimes make definitively assigning liability a challenging task. A seasoned truck accident attorney in Mt Pleasant will have the background and insights necessary to carefully examine the facts and identify all potential targets of litigation, even those who may initially seem too far removed from the event itself to share in the blame.

While the negligence of truck drivers themselves is frequently at issue, it may also be possible to pursue compensation from other parties including:

  • Truck manufacturers
  • Truck and trailer component manufacturers
  • Owners and managers of trucking companies
  • Cargo loading contractors
  • Truck maintenance personnel

Ultimately, it is vital that each party found to have contributed to the negligence and failures leading up to the crash be held fully accountable so that victims can receive the level of compensation needed to move forward with their lives.

Resources Available

The fundamental laws of physics virtually ensure that a crash between a small passenger car and a heavy-duty motor carrier will produce severe, perhaps catastrophic results. Typical injuries sustained in such scenarios include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Bone fractures
  • Nerve damage potentially requiring amputations
  • Back and neck injuries/paralysis
  • Disfiguring burns
  • Death

Given that the categories of harm listed above routinely lead to long-term disability and impairment, the individuals affected as well as their families are afforded the right to seek payment from responsible parties for things such as medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation costs as well as compensation for pain, suffering and emotional strain.

Contacting a Truck Accident Attorney

If you have had the misfortune of being entangled in a collision with a tractor-trailer and wish to hold negligent parties responsible in a tangible way, a Mt Pleasant truck accident lawyer is prepared to champion your cause.

The time to pursue compensation is strictly limited by South Carolina law, so the sooner you consult with a zealous truck accident attorney in Mount Pleasant, the better your chances of success. There truly is no time to waste when it comes to securing the financial recovery to which you are entitled.